Friday, February 14, 2014

And since today is Valentine's Day, video of two absolutely charming men singing.


  1. Great song...great singer and perfect guitar player!
    Happy Valentine's Day for you too! I wish you even more than you wished to me :D I wish there could exist 2 Mr. Js so you have one and I have the other hahahaha...I don't think he reads my blog so don't worry...and if he does...what the hell, let him know we love him lol
    I've been away these days..I was at the beach with my family..I'll upload some pics later, hugs Lostra!! :D

    1. Fran, thanks a lot for the wish! Remember, in the movie "Oblivion" at the end of the film Jack-52 comes to Julia, so and I would be glad, if Mr.J -52 would find me. And we (at least me,cos you've never been guilty of bothersome adoration) must allow the real Mr. J. to breathe, he's probably a little tired of common euphoria, and this is annoying him a little bit. (I am trying to behave good lately ahahahaha)(Although it is possible, that I, as always exaggerate my "guilt".)
      I hope my answer in your blog will not upset you. Try not to grieve and forget this unpleasant situation!

    2. hahaha well, I don't think he gets mad if we show him a little bit of "kindness"...I think it's good for his low self-steem :)
      Let's keep dreaming about having thousands of Mr. Js! hahaha
      And, I do appreciate your words, I really do :D
      Let's keep dreaming about having thousands of Mr. Js! hahaha

    3. Why do we need so many? One Mr. J-54 (any number) and one Mr. T-54 (any number) per head, and it is enough to alternate them not to get bored. ahahahahahahaha
      And thought, I had stepped on the path of correction.

    4. You knocked me from the true path, Fran! (ahahahahaha)

    5. hahahahaha Lostra!!! LOL
      Ok, so it's a good deal...One Mr. J-54 and one Mr.T-54!! Do not forget Mr. R-54 (Rolf Pilve)...actually, I think I can get only Mr.R-54 and you can stay with both Mr.J and Mr. T...what do you think? hahahaha

    6. Vote with both hands, hahahaha. I can even give Mr. T-54 in good hands ahahaha So we went back to the starting point. ahahahaha
      In fact, I really put myself in his place, perhaps, for some reason it is unpleasant for him to read such comments and I absolutely do not want to upset him.
      Too bad, Rolf does not have blog but he has fb page did u "like it" already?

    7. I know you don't want to upset him, I'm sure no one wants to...but above all, I write those things as jokes :)
      And yes, I already did "like" on his fb page :)

    8. Hard to believe in cloning thousands of Mr.J and Mr. T. ahahahahaha
      I also "liked it", do you comment there?

    9. no, I don't comment. It would be nice to have you on fb, Lostra...but I don't think it's a good idea to post the link of our fb pages.

    10. Fran, I feel myself like a pig under an oak (not sure if there is such an expression in English, brief meaning - like the big ungrateful pig).
      I hope I did not upset you, I meant only my (you did not have such) comments in his blog, and not your jokes in my. But those were my old sins, forgotten and forgiven. ahahaha hope so.
      In my blog, we can joke about anything. And let them prove who is Mr. J, maybe it's Joe Cocker ahahahahahahahah

    11. ohh, not good idea after all of this. ahahaha
      Actually, I still wrote here outspoken though and obscure things, perhaps it is better not to post link, I agree with you.

    12. hahaha stupid me!! now I got your point hahaha of course you can comment in mine as well about Mr. J and whoever you want :)
      Well, I can give you my email address (I use it only for blog purposes, so no problem on post it) that way we can add each other in google+ or facebook or just write hahahaha let me know...I post it and then I delete it as soon as you get it :)

    13. Fran, dont posi it. Here is mine -

    14. I got it Lostra :) I'll send you an email right now!
