Monday, September 17, 2018

A memory of the book "The wind in the willows" just popped up in my mind. It was written by its author Kenneth Grahame for his son (weak and unhealthy boy) to ignite joy of life, joy of existence for him. I can feel this message with all my soul.
If I would be one of the characters of it I probably would be Badger, a farouche being living deep in The Wild Wood. You definitely can't scare me with the Wild Wood :)
I find this book to be so endlessly beautiful and touching.

Monday, September 10, 2018

I just heard the voice of the thunder in the night. Thunder walks upon the Earth like an eternal wanderer, like unexpected guest...

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Happiness is deaf however misery doesn't have a good hearing either.                                                   Akunin, The Diamond Chariot

Monday, September 3, 2018

Not to care of the beauty 
Not to be afraid of death 
Flight of a butterfly 
Akunin, The Diamond Chariot